A street dog named Champ was born to a homeless momma dog. He didn’t have a home or a family but the people in his neighborhood made sure he lived a good-enough life. They treated him nicely, gave him food, and let him play in their yard sometimes.
Everything went well for quite a while. But one day, the residents found the dog by the side of a very busy road. They didn’t know what happened exactly but they knew to call for help right away.
Rescuers of the charitable group Animal Aid Unlimited came as fast as they could. When they saw Champ, they knew in an instant that he was hit by a car. They didn’t have a second to waste so they hurriedly but carefully lifted him and carried him into their van.
The poor dog was in agony for who knew how long. He didn’t know what to do so he hid in the bush in the hopes that someone would notice and help him. Luckily, Good Samaritans spotted him.
Resident vets of Animal Aid Unlimited attended to the dog right away. They gave Champ pain meds to lessen his discomfort. They ordered various tests to identify the extent of his injuries, too. They did what they could to help and save the dog.
X-ray results confirmed that Champ suffered from a damaged spine and a fractured femur. He was in bad shape and his rescuers, as well as his vet team, worried he would never walk again. Still, they went ahead with the surgery and started the dog’s rehabilitation process.
Champ’s recovery was incredibly slow but he did not give up. He worked hard and he did not stop until he made huge progress. Eventually, after about a year, he gained full use of his legs again.
Today, Champ walks and runs around the rescue center for as long as he wants. He plays with the rest of the rescue dogs almost all day long.
Credits: Animal Aid Unlimited